
Archive for November, 2012

As we approach the Thanksgiving season and find that we continue to be forced to remember and look back at the turmoil and continued upheaval in our government, it seems as if nothing was settled by the election.  We continue to see dishonesty and deception being practiced by our elected leaders, lack of acceptance of responsibility for acts and deeds detrimental to our country, and a continued direction away from the Christian principles upon which our freedom was founded many years ago.  Our military serving in foreign lands does continue to strive to keep our country free under very adverse condition,  many times being betrayed by their political leaders.  We have all seen the continuing Benghazi scandal, claims and counterclaims being made by the affected agencies,  the most recently revealed CIA scandal, and all of the claims and counterclaims made by the politicians over the last several months.  This has truly been a year of more turmoil than I ever recall in my many years of living.

In spite of all of the above, there is something to be thankful for and something to give us hope.  I was particularly struck by the below article written by Bob Russell shortly after the recent election.  Bob Russell is the retired minister of Southeastern Christian Church, Louisville, KY.  He led the church from a membership of a couple of hundred members to over eighteen thousand in the time of his ministry there, so he know of that which he speaks.  I hope in reading this that all can find some reasons for giving thanks at this time of year.

Giving Thanks In The Wake Of The Election

Written on November 8, 2012 by admin in Uncategorized
Obviously, I’m very disappointed in the results of Tuesday’s election. Some saw the election as a battle between Republicans and Democrats. Others viewed it as a contest between blacks and whites or rich and poor. I didn’t. From my perspective the spiritual issues were clearly defined and, in the end, the majority of Americans voted against life, marriage, freedom, Israel and fiscal responsibility. The people of three states approved gay marriage. Two states voted to legalize marijuana.
I’m tempted to be depressed and whine about all that’s wrong with this country. Martin Luther once said when he was angry he preached better. That’s not true with me. When I’m angry or depressed I overstate my case and wind up later apologizing for saying foolish things. Yesterday I wrote a negative harangue titled, “America is terminally ill.” I didn’t post it and today I’m glad I didn’t.
I am commanded in Scripture to, “…give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” (1 Thess. 5:18). So today, two days after the election, two weeks before Thanksgiving, I’d like to list some things I’m thankful for.
I’m thankful the election is over. No more negative ads. No more false accusations and grossly exaggerated claims. Yea!
I’m thankful that I live in Kentucky. I’ve never been prouder of my adopted state. Over 60% showed some common sense.
I’m thankful I don’t live in Ohio or Florida. Some of my preacher friends living in one of those two swing states (my son included) are frustrated that the thousands of churches in their state didn’t make more of a difference. Those preachers are asking if they did enough.
I’m thankful I don’t live in Washington State. Two friends of ours were visiting from Seattle this past weekend. They lamented that they were going back to a state that had approved gay marriage and legalized marijuana. They asked, ‘How would you like to raise your children in that kind of liberal environment?”
I’m thankful for bold preachers who took a strong stand. A number of ministers retreated from the fight. But some very influential ministers with national ministries and others who preach in small country churches were perceptive enough to understand the battle and took a strong, courageous stand in this election. They took some heat but I’m confident the Lord will say, “Well done, good and faithful servant”.
I’m thankful my prayers have been answered according to God’s will. My prayers weren’t answered according to my will but I always pray the words of Jesus, “Not my will but yours be done.” Most political analysts are convinced the timing of Hurricane Sandy helped sway the country toward re-electing the President. I’m going to accept that as God’s will.
I’m thankful that God’s justice prevails in His time. Maybe The Lord’s will is best understood according to Psalm 81:11-12 “But my people would not listen to me; Israel would not submit to me. So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts to follow their own devises.”
You know the result of Israel’s spiritual rebellion. The nation was soon divided, then overrun by the Babylonians and the people were taken into captivity. Maybe God is allowing us to follow our evil devises to our own detriment. A.W. Tozer wrote, “The wheels of God’s justice grind slowly; but they grind exceedingly fine.”
I’m thankful I don’t have to justify having a Mormon in the White House for the next four years. I didn’t like our choices this past election. I believe Mormonism is a false teaching. It would have been difficult to support a president while explaining the errors of his Mormon religion for the next four years.
I’m thankful that a president can just serve just two terms. Our president has made it clear that his goal is to, “fundamentally transform America.” It’s obvious that his vision for our country is to move toward socialism and a more powerful government. That is not what our Founding Fathers had in mind and not what I want to see happen. I’m thankful a President can serve only eight years.
I’m thankful for our founding Fathers who set up a system of checks and balances. As powerful as the President is He isn’t a king. He isn’t a dictator. His powers are limited by the congress and Supreme Court. The liberal press is pushing hard for “Bipartisanship,” which in their definition usually means, “give in and let the president have his way.” The writers of the constitution sought to restrict power by creating three equal branches of government.
I’m thankful that my hope is not in the United States of America. I believe that America is very sick, maybe even terminally ill. Every nation in history has had a shelf life. I think we are fading fast. But my hope is not in this country but, “On Christ the Solid Rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand.”
I’m thankful that I’ve been privileged to live in a wonderful period of our nation’s history. I’m almost 70 years old. I’ve seen so many incredible inventions and witnessed so many great accomplishments. America has been the most prosperous, the most “free,” and the most magnanimous nation in the history of the world. And I got to be a part of it.
I’m thankful for my family. I’m so thankful for my wife, my sons, my daughters in law and my seven grandchildren, all of whom know the Lord.
I’m thankful for the permanency of the church. Jesus said, “I will build my church and the gates of hades will not overcome it.” Nations come and go but the church still stands.
I’m thankful that Jesus is going to return soon. The Bible says when the Lord returns every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. When that day comes, I’ll be on my knees acknowledging that Jesus is King of Kings. So will Michael Moore, Bill Maher, John Stewart, Barbara Streisand, Whoopee Goldberg, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews” and any who sneer at God’s truth – all will be humbly acknowledging that Jesus is Lord. Even so, Lord Jesus, come quickly.
I’m thankful for the hope of heaven. I’ve been reminded again to fix my affections on the things above and not on earthly things.
I’m thankful God is patient and full of mercy. He can still forgive our rebellion and immorality. While Psalm 81:11-12 warns that God releases people to the consequences of their own evil desires, the next two verses promise, “If my people would but listen to me, if Israel would follow my ways, how quickly I would subdue their enemies and turn my hand against their foes!” (Psalm 80:13-14). A miracle-working God is patiently waiting for His people to repent.
I’m thankful for this day. “This is day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.” We have this day to live in freedom. We have this day to honor the Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s make the most of it.

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It is now early November and FGHS Alumni activities and board meetings have stopped for the year.  Our final board meeting for the year was held on October 12 in time to let the “snow birds” get an early start for wintering in warmer climes.  At this meeting we review our years activities and begin laying plans for the next year.  An overall appraisal  of the year looked very good.  Reunion costs continue to grow but fortunately revenues kept pace and the FGHS Memorial Scholarship will grow as a result.

As many of you perhaps are aware, the plans are for the  old FGHS building to be vacated at mid 2013 and both graded school and the middle school will be combined in the new school building being constructed on the old FGHS athletic field.  Planned completion of the new building is planned for May at last reports.  I visited the site a couple of weeks ago and it really is a muddy mess, however it appears that construction is moving at a rapid pace.

With the loss of the FGHS building as a site for our annual banquet a decision needed to be made as to where we might have the banquet at reunion 2013.  It was proposed and approved that our 2013 FGHS Alumni banquet be held on Friday, August 30, 2013.  The banquet will be held at the First Baptist Church in Louisa, KY.  It is perhaps the best location that we have had since the banquet began several years ago.  It is clean, modern with excellent seating, and has excellent kitchen facilities which will provide a lot of advantages for our caterers in employing their food preparation skills and their ability to control the freshness.  The access and parking will be  excellent.  We thought everyone would like this information so that you can begin to make plans to attend.  The church is located at the end of Lady Washington Street.  More complete directions and information will be provided at a later date.

Speaking of our banquet, the caterer did an excellent under difficult conditions.  There are no kitchen facilities in the old FGHS building and the ladies from Rebel Barn Catering do an excellent job under adverse conditions.  We do thank them for taking care of us year after year.  Our banquet attendance was up significantly this year, reversing a downward trend in attendance over the past two or three years.  We had a lot of new faces and we do hope that they will continue to attend.  One way of increasing attendance and participation lies within ourselves, each member of the FGHS Alumni Association.  Whether you attend or participate, you are and always will be a member of the association.  What each and every member can do is communicate to other members what the association is all about and invite and encourage their attendance.  There is a large group of people from the mid sixties through the final year of FGHS’s existence that we find hard to contact through mailings.  We would ask that you now begin to talk with people in your circle of friends, encouraging them to participate in our banquet and reunion, our golf tournament, Heritage Day activities, and finally, support of the Fort Gay Memorial Scholarship.  The value of the scholarship is about $270,000 and is providing scholarship support for four Tolsia High School students each year.  Some might say, “I did not attend Fort Gay High School”.  Well, no matter, those folks supporting the student graduates from Tolsia High School did not attend Tolsia High School, yet they have unselfishly chosen to support the students from there, so we invite all to join together in one grand effort.

One of the great needs of the association is board members who would be willing to spend just a small amount of their time in joining us in formulating, planning, and executing a plan of success in achieving goals set by the board.  You do not have to live in the area.  Sure, we would like to see you at our four or so board meetings each year but realize that is not possible.  There are many things you can do from your home, such as offering suggestions and new ideas, helping with mailings, serving on contact committees, helping with golf tournaments and fund-raising events.  We encourage you to contact us and tell us how you can serve.  I am sure that many of you could serve in ways that we have never thought of.  Many of us who have been doing this for several years are now older and there is a great need for younger people come in, to take over, manage the scholarship, operate the organization, but most of all continue the legacy of those who have gone before you.

The 12th annual golf tournament supporting the FGHS Memorial Scholarship was very successful this year.  It was again chaired by Joe Damron, who was ably supported by Paul Artrip, Paul Salmons, Don Huff, and Gary Huff (president of the Paddle Creek Golf Club).  Some of the above also brought all of their kids, family and friends in from all over the United States to play and support the golf tournament activities.  THANK YOU to all of our fine sponsors who continue to make the tournament such a success.  When ever you have an opportunity to support the businesses that sponsor us each year, please do so.  In a later post we will be publishing the names of each business that contributed financially to our success.

The day of the lawn on Saturday was quite a success.  Many alumni came by the FGHS Alumni tent to visit, have some refreshments, and to visit with many of their friends.  The Jude ladies, Sue Harbaug, and others were at the tent selling their baked goods, knitting, and other items that help to make the weekend fund-raising a success.  We always have Bromley Ridge well water to soothe the heat that sometimes occurs on Heritage.  We were fortunate again this year in that forecast rain did not occur.  God does smile on us when asked.  Praise Him.

As had previously been announced, we were pleased to award the annual FGHS Alumni Association Distinguished Alumni award to Carl Lowe.  The Lowe family were in force to support and to cheer Carl in receiving this prestigious award.  Carl related to all a very entertaining address devoted to his attendance and developement at FGHS and the part it played in his becoming a success  in his chosen field.  We again, congratulate Carl and look forward to  presenting a worthy candidate for the award in 2013.

The Fort Gay Womens Club again presented a reception for all alumni on Saturday evening.  It was well attended and has become a fixture in the Fort Gay Heritage Day celebration.

We, again, offer our congratulation for a job well done to Missy Meredith and her committee for again planning and executing another successful Heritage Day.  Without it, our job of putting together the FGHS Alumni Association events would be much more difficult.

To all of you alumni and friends out there who make all that we do possible, THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS.

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I just looked at the posting date on the last post on the Chronicles and it occurred on August 29.  Over two months ago and I must apologize for being remiss in leaving some wondering where it all went.  I am sorry but following our really, really, successful reunion, I just ran out of steam.  Writers block, tired, lazy, short of time, to busy, you name it and they would probably all apply.  However, cold weather has arrived and it is best to slow down for the winter, take stock of where you are, and act accordingly.

Speaking of cold weather, colds and flu, and other assorted winter miseries there was a bit more bad news in the morning news.  A leading medical researcher has stated that for those over 65 years of age that flu vaccine probably does no good in the prevention of flu.  He also added that it will not hurt you so you might just as well go ahead and get your flu shot.  Now I would ask, if it doesn’t help then why the heck should you get a needle stuck in your arm.  I haven’t had my flu shot yet but probably will follow the rest of the “sheep” and get one.

When I was a kid at this time of year, parents would have already laid in a supply of turpentine, cod liver oil (it tasted just like you would imagine cod liver oil would taste), Vicks salve, and other assorted home remedies.   They continue to find new uses for some of the old home remedies, proving that the pioneers and the native americans were not so dumb after all.  In talking with a dermatologist recently about fungi under finger and toe nails, she told me that Vicks salved applied on and around the nail surface would, over a period of time, cure the ailment.  I keep a jar of Vicks around for colds and treat in the fashion my mother taught and it does provide relief.

Another remedy used years ago and perhaps in some places today, even though I have not heard of it since childhood days, is asafoetida, pronounced ass-uh-fuh-TYE-duh.  Even with spell check I may have spelled the previous wrong.  I don’t remember my parents ever using it, but perhaps they did at some time when I was very young.  It was a gum that was made from a member of the fennel family of plants.  It was worn in a small bag or sack around ones neck.  I am told that it smelled so bad that it would keep everything away but cold weather and very ugly people.  Perhaps someone out there has some personal experience with it and can provide through the comments some additional information on its use, did it work, etc.  I know that camphor gum was kept around and used for many winter ills.  I believe that it to was sometimes worn around the neck in a small bag.

Can you imagine leaving your house on a cold winter morning smelling of turpentine, Vicks salve, a stinking bag of some “gooey” gum  hanging around your neck, and a bad taste of cod liver oil in your mouth.  Talk about the social aspects of your life not being very promising for the day, WOW.  But, it kept our forefathers and many of us who were children in a reasonably healthy condition for the winter.

Today if one gets a severe cold, you usually go to a medical doctor for a diagnosis and treatment.  Let see how that differs from long ago.  Doctor visit- $75.00 to $100.00, antibiotics at a cost of $15.00 to $75.00, some prednisone  for your really bad congestion and cough at  $15.00, a bottle of cough syrup at $8.00, a decongestant at $12.00 and maybe an aspirin or Tylenol occasionally and viola, in about ten your cold is well.  Hmmm, the turpentine, vicks, and the stinky stuff in the bag ain’t sounding to bad now.  Perhaps about $1.00 or less in cost and, lets see now how long before your cold is well in this case, amazingly ten days.

I used to know an old gentleman in the mountains of East Kentucky who told me that he was never bothered with colds in his lifetime.  I asked him what he did to prevent the misery of a cold and he told me that he drank a half pint of whiskey twice each  day. I asked him how he thought that prevented colds and his answer was,  “It don’t prevent them, it just takes the misery out of them”.

As I said earlier, I’m back, good or bad.  I hope and encourage anyone that follows the Chronicles to encourage others to look in occasionally and feel free to comment in the comment section.  I had intended to start back with comments on the FGHS Alum reunion but somehow got off on this tangent but I promise to get an assessment of the success of our reunion, golf tournament, and scholarship program on sometime tonight.

Thanks for stopping by and looking in!

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